Monday, June 6, 2011

My Life Project

My Life Project involved finding pictures, videos, and pieces of  information about the history of our lives. What I first did was find facts from the internet about who the president was, the average prices of things, who won Academy Awards, what movies won Academy Awards, and what a video game in 1995 was. I also found fashion trends and top songs at the time. I then went through old pictures of me and put them together as family, first Communion, first Snowman, and first visit with Santa. It was interesting to look back at how I looked then and what changes I have gone through. I was pleased with my final iMovie and song.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Music Genome Blog

For this assignment, we were instructed to choose a music genre from either a list or find our own. To have our own, we needed to have it approved for appropriateness and information available. I chose the genre heavy metal, or metal, for my project to work on. I was actually very interested that metal originated in blues rock and psychedelic rock. I then proceeded to make the music progressively heavier as time in the project went on. I ended with moshpits and two clips of a Wall of Death. i used powerpoint and iMovie to make this. It was fun.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Storyboard # 2

As we progressed in the storyboard project, things finally fell into place. We finished the interviews that I made with Mrs. McKimpson and put them into the slideshow. Ryan Carballido put them in while Tom Hassiepen and I made the MLA citation page. Dan Antrim added music and helped find more pictures. I feel at first our group was slightly inefficient, but as time went on we began to work smoothly. Our group synergy as a whole improved greatly, and we became a well-oiled machine. Our final project is concise, well-timed, and informative. Our group is very versatile, and I would like to work with them in the future.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Extra Credit Song Project

For this project we had the option to or to not not do it. If we were finished with our storyboard one, we could do this for extra points. I chose to do the song Float on by the Indie band Modest Mouse. First, I found pictures of the song's lyrics to follow the words. Then, I put them in a slideshow through Microsoft Powerpoint. I then dragged this into iMovie. Then I threaded the song into the slide show. The most difficult part of this job was the timing. The program would try and compensate time taken or added into a different part of the presentation, effectively throwing off the timing. However, I finally got it and am very pleased with the result.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This project involved us making a podcast. We first picked a movie. I picked the film Zombieland. Other movies were Finding Nemo, The Shawshank Redemption, The Hangover, The Notebook, The Lord of The Rings, Mulan, and many others. Then we found pictures about the movie or from it and put it in a folder using iPhoto. The we dragged that into Garageband. In Garageband, we recorded ourselves narrating an overview of the plot with naming all the major parts. Then we added that and the pictures together. We also put a song playing throughout the podcast and added different sound effects and jingles.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The project we are working on now is creating a storyboard. We made a slideshow with the slides entailing details about a class. The class we chose to do our project on is physical science. We need to show what the class is about, what we learn in it, and the requirements for time and credits. We are also supposed to add quotes and pictures about physical science. My group members are Tom Hassiepen, Ryan Carballido, and Dan Antrim. We will be interviewing Mrs. Rhonda McKimpson. She teaches physical science as a class, so I am hoping that she will give us thorough and complete answers to our queries.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPhoto Name Project

This project involved spelling our names. We would use many different pictures from the internet or ones we ourselves took pictures of. It was a great chance to use the tool iPhoto and iChat. We learned how to import our pictures into iPhoto. Then we organized them and made a slideshow. Certain music of our free choice that was appropriate was also included. Along with letters, we were to find other photos of things we liked or liked doing. It gives each of us the chance to express ourselves and show what we are interested in. I very much enjoyed this project.