Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The project we are working on now is creating a storyboard. We made a slideshow with the slides entailing details about a class. The class we chose to do our project on is physical science. We need to show what the class is about, what we learn in it, and the requirements for time and credits. We are also supposed to add quotes and pictures about physical science. My group members are Tom Hassiepen, Ryan Carballido, and Dan Antrim. We will be interviewing Mrs. Rhonda McKimpson. She teaches physical science as a class, so I am hoping that she will give us thorough and complete answers to our queries.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPhoto Name Project

This project involved spelling our names. We would use many different pictures from the internet or ones we ourselves took pictures of. It was a great chance to use the tool iPhoto and iChat. We learned how to import our pictures into iPhoto. Then we organized them and made a slideshow. Certain music of our free choice that was appropriate was also included. Along with letters, we were to find other photos of things we liked or liked doing. It gives each of us the chance to express ourselves and show what we are interested in. I very much enjoyed this project.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mail Merge

I found the mail merge application on the excel program to be very helpful. That has the capacity to save so much time it's rather incredible. I used this helpful tool to send letters to ten clients asking for donations to an event I made up for the American Red Cross. It was a race with festivities, music, and food as well. The people could either participate in the race, spend money on food, get tickets for the music, or participate in all sorts of booth games for people of all ages. Mail merger in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Review

This was a very good project. M&M charts are useful for seeing the averages of them. I also had a perfect chance to use Excel and its special Autosum feature. It is a very useful tool to use for any formula in math, which can save me precious time for project. Also, the M&Ms are really good, so that's a plus. I will definitely use Excel more in the future for my math classes.It is a strong tool for neatly and effectively presenting data, and I can now do formulas that would normally take large amount of time and effort.

M&M Charts

Color Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4 Bag 5 Total Average
Yellow 6 7 4 5 5 27 5.4
Green 13 11 15 12 10 61 12.2
Orange 10 14 14 14 15 67 13.4
Brown 6 9 5 6 7 33 13.4
Blue 14 7 13 14 16 64 6.6
Red 8 8 5 4 4 29 5.8
Total 57 56 56 55 57 281 56.8

What I hope to learn

Hi, my name is Carlos Cruz. I am not very familiar with computers simply because I like the outdoors a lot.   I realize that computers are very important in today's modern age, so I want to become more knowledgeable all-around. I particularly want to know more about and be able to use iMovie. It seems like a very good program for projects and I think I could create much more smooth and well-designed presentations with it. I think this class could help me prepare for the modern technological world. I also hope to learn more about website creation and photoshop.